We are a design consultancy imagining health and body futures. We combine the power of design with scientific research and emerging interactive technologies to create novel embodied experiences. 

Cellule was showcased at the Science Gallery London, the Victoria and Albert Museum, Barbican centre, Venice Biennale and Sadler’s Well theatre. We got honorary mention from the STARTS Prize Ars Electronica, Lumen prize Longlist in 3D Interactive art and co-nominated by the Beazley Design Award from the Design Museum in 2020.

We celebrate the body in movement, the living, the breathing.

Destination EarthSep 2024Serre dei Giardini, Bologna IT
Kalostasis, EchoesOct 2024KIKK Festival, Namur BE
Destination Earth,
Sep 2024, Serre dei Giardini, Bologna IT
Kalostasis/ Echoes, Oct 2024, KIKK Festival, Namur BE
Sentient BeingsJun-Jan 2024Science Gallery, London
SynchroniesNov 2023MIRA Festival, Barcelona
The Future of AgeingJul-Sep 2022Design Museum, London
LuminescencesSep 2022ENS Saclay, Paris
KalostasisMay-Nov 2021Biennale EEC, Venice
BatchshieldsJan 2021Design Museum, London
Random RevolutionNov-Dec 2019Barbican Centre, London
SimCathSep 2019Ars Electronica, Linz
Digital UmbilicalOct 2019Sadler’s Wells, London
Big Heart DataFeb-May 2019Science Gallery, London
KalostasisSep 2019V&A Museum, London
10x10 ConnectionsSep 2018Design Museum, London
SimCathJun 2018Imperial College, London
Sentient Beings
Jun-Jan 2024, Science Gallery, London
Nov 2023, MIRA Festival, Barcelona
The Future of Ageing
Jul-Sep 2022, Design Museum, London
Sep 2022, ENS Saclay, Paris
May-Nov 2021, Biennale EEC, Venice
Jan 2021, Design Museum, London
Random Revolution
Nov-Dec 2019, Barbican Centre, London
Sep 2019, Ars Electronica, Linz
Digital Umbilical,
Oct 2019, Sadler’s Wells, London
Big Heart Data
Feb-May 2019, Science Gallery, London
Sep 2019, V&A Museum, London
10x10 Connections
Sep 2018, Design Museum, London
Jun 2018, Imperial College, London